Dpcs Mission Statement

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Introduction To establish purpose of existence and provide insight to the desired future, organizations, companies, and agencies formulate vision, mission statement, and goals or objectives to serve as the blueprint that help to build and operate an excellence-driven organization or agency. Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) is one of the state’s agencies charged with protecting the public, detainees, and offenders under its supervision (DPSCS, n. d.). The mission and vision of the agency can be seen as the managerial tools that are used to direct the agency’s personnel’s behavior toward attaining its objectives (Dermol, 2012). In this paper, I will report how the DPSCS vision and mission statement associate …show more content…

Thus, this shows that DPSCS has several divisions or units that collaborate and coordinate seamlessly in bringing the agency’s vision and mission to its fulfillment and also helping the agency to function effectively on a regular basis; with efforts to make communities safe and guarantee the citizens and residents of Maryland a secured state. DPP is one of the divisions that contribute to the safety of the communities in the state of Maryland. In 1939, the DPP was created with a board, a director, and a field supervisor for the purpose of supervising and investigating released convicts (i.e parolees and probationers) (Maryland State Archives, …show more content…

Also organizations leadership uses the vision as the key tool to inspire the staff while consequently describes what the organization hope to become in the future (Vision, mission, and goals, 2012). One of the DPSCS vision is to be recognize as the institution that value human being; protect lives of the public and its employees, keeping the convicts safe in the custody and effectively supervised the offenders in the community while protecting the right of the victim of crime (DPSCS, n. d). Hence, this shows how well the vision is properly constructed and clarifies the institution’s aspiration (Vision, mission, and goals,