Cedar Point Research Paper

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Cedar Point Cedar Point is a theme park destination for millions of people each year. Cedar Point is known for its famous roller coasters, making it one of the most attended theme parks in the country. The park has reached record numbers of 60,000 visitors a day! Since 1870, Cedar Point has been making an impact on Ohio’s economy and history in many ways(answers.com)(cedarpoint.com)(G. Susan). The park started as a place to hunt and fish, then was slowly built into the park it is today. The theme park started when they opened the first public bathing beach. Activities were then slowly added to the beach area. The first roller coaster was opened in 1892! George Boeckling was the owner of Cedar Point for 34 years and added many attractions …show more content…

There are also many hotels where out of town guests may stay at. Including huge water parks with an estimated building cost of around 22 million dollars. 10 million dollars in improvements to the park were made in 2004(cedarpoint.com). People love going to Cedar Point for many reasons: the beach on Lake Erie, the parks Roller coasters, water parks, the aquarium, the theater all provide genuine family fun. The roller coasters are the heart of the park. The Top Thrill Dragster is the tallest, fastest roller coaster in the world. The Magnum XL 200 is the first roller coaster you’ll see at the park(cedarpoint.com)(L. Arthur). Cedar Point boosts Ohio’s economy drastically each year because of the jobs available for Ohio residents. Visiting tourists from outside states and countries add economically to the park. These tourists must get to Cedar Point, in Cleveland where they will be stopping. Tourists visiting Cedar Point may also boost Ohio’s economy by stopping to visit other historical Ohio landmarks, or just stop to get gas or food! Any of these help Ohio’s economy. These are just a few reasons I think having Cedar Point as a historical landmark benefits Ohio’s