Celie In Alice Walker's The Color Purple

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The book that I chose to read was, The Color Purple. The book was set around the early 20th century. The story is narrated by a young woman named Celie. Celie was forced to marry Mr. _______. Mr. _______ beats her, so I was wrong about him being the good guy of the story. I don’t know what kind of person would beat their wives like this. Their wives are supposed to be obedient to them and they are treated like property not human beings. It’s really sad because in these times slavery was over, but the women were still being treated like slaves by their own race. I think that Celie will eventually get tired of it and just leave. There hasn’t been one good guy in this story yet, which is very pitiful. What would happen if all the women just up and left the men? I think the men would be pretty lost without the women. …show more content…

She thought it was her child and the baby was six years. I think that the baby is really hers and hopefully she will be able to get to know her child. Celie talked to the child's mother and the dates matched up and the baby's name was Pauline. Before Celie's baby was given away, she named her Olivia. The mother of the child told Celie that she calls her child Olivia because she looks like an Olivia. I think that the author is trying to make subtle clues about Celie really being the child’s mother. Celie seemed very interested in the child, so I think that she would want a relationship with her if she could. I think that Celie would be happier if she got to be a mother to her own child. When I saw all those clues about her child, I got so excited because I felt like there was about to be a family reunion