Cell Phones Affecting Teens

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Cell phones have easily changed the life of teenagers since the 90s. Wherever you go, you’ll see teens on their cell phones. This will become a serious problem going forward in life for everyone. Parents will be more cautious, and all teens will beg for a phone. Today, it’s a huge debate on whether or not cell phones are a positive or a negative affect on teens. (Panther Prowler) Many things can be said on why they are overly reliant of their phones. Here are some of the biggest concerns.
One of the biggest topics is that teens now have access to anything that’s on the internet. If they can’t find something that they are looking up, they will just look it up on the internet to figure it out. This can become bad because that means that they …show more content…

Teens literally use any technology to do anything today, they don’t even need to leave their house anymore unless they are hanging out with friends. This will make teens more obese and lazy that they won’t want to do anything and basically ruin their lives. (Top Ten Reviews) Distracted driving is very serious problem for teens, but cellphone use while driving is way too common for teens. Parents say “A huge fear for us is knowing that or son/daughter is on their phone while they are driving.” 60% of distracted driving accidents are caused by teens, of that, 45% is from cell phone usage while driving, which is a main reason for deaths of teens. (Top Ten Reviews) Now, 14 states have made it against the law to even speak on the phone without a Bluetooth device. 200 teens in the past 3 weeks have been pulled over in those states for being on their phone. On top of that, 46 states made it illegal to text and drive. Every year, over 30,000 teens get pulled over for being on their phones. A majority of these teens lie about it, too. This will be a very serious problem going forward in their lives. (Top Ten Reviews) Cell phone usage can also affect the amount of sleep teens get every night. Cell phones usage at night can interfere with sleep habits and can affect how they function outside of their home. A recent study shows that teenagers that use the phone before bed experience