Cell Phones Should Not Be Banned In School Essay

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What is a cell phone? It is a portable communication tool that most people in the western world own. From young children to the seniors, everyone knows how to use one and they can choose to use it anywhere. Hence, it is imperative that cell phones should not be banned in high school because it makes communication simpler and is a beneficial resource for student life. With the advancement of technology, cell phones make communication easier. Firstly, cell phones strengthen the student-teacher-parent relationships by allowing them to correspond with each other. Recently, there was a power outage at RH King Academy. About 1/4 of the student population was waiting in the staff parking lot in addition to the faculty of the school. When the call was made that school was cancelled, students instantly began to make arrangements through their phones with family members or telling other friends not to come to school. A few minutes later, student services sent a mass text with the help of Remind confirming that there will be no school that day. Imagine if the students did not have their cell phones with them because it was banned? There would have been a bunch of teenagers flocking towards payphones or other nearby stores because the in-school telephone was not working without the electricity. Having a cell phone helps parents and students to stay connected regardless of any situations. Cell phones ensure safety and a peace of mind because parents are able to know where their child is. With apps like Remind, it allows for teachers to directly be in touch with the guardians, and keep them posted on upcoming …show more content…

Technology is every growing, similar to a tree. As new heights are reached, new opportunities for success rise too. Why take a step backwards for progress if cell phones are the paths to the