Cell Phones Should Be Banned In School

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Cell phones being in school is a hotly debated issue nowadays. With all the teenagers having cell phones now the issue of them in school seems to be bigger than it has ever been. Many people think that they are beneficial while others say they distract kids. Research and statistics show that phones prevent more than help kids to learn. Cell phones should be banned in school because they prevent learning, encourage cheating and pose health risks to students that use them. One main reason as to why phones should not be allowed in school is because they can potentially prohibit learning and growth in students. The first piece of evidence for why phones prevent learning is that they can make you miss important information. According to this …show more content…

The biggest risk a cellphone poses is addiction. A FORBES article gives the statistic that 48% of teens feel and “Addiction” to their cell phone (Walton). Many scientific institutions tell that addiction can be classified as a disease and it is shocking to see that almost half of the teens have this disease. The statistic shows one way that kids have health problems because of there concerning attachment to phones. In addition to the last piece of evidence another health problem students may suffer is lack of sleep. According to Susan Scutti, author of a CNN article “Phones are directly linked to worse sleep quality at night” (Scutti). Likewise this applies to teens because of all of the time they spend on their devices. That piece of information shows another health risk and why it is important. If students do not get enough sleep they will not do there best in school and secure a good future. The final health risk that phones pose to students is eye damage. Opticians say that addiction to phones can cause cataracts and other damage to kids eyes. Many scientists have studies this and came to the conclusion that if you stare at phones for too long they could damage your eyes (Kowalski). This portrays another way that phones cause health problems because of the eye damage they can cause …show more content…

Cell phones should be banned because of the health risks they pose, the ways they can prevent learning and abuse of them via cheating. The debate about phones matters because of the lasting impacts on the students who will be affected by it. Phones could make adolescents prone to bad habits and behaviors like cheating. Both parents and school representatives need to think about these impacts before decided whether or not phones have a home in