Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School Imagine an armed person is in your school, so you’re trapped in a room scared for your life hoping to get out. Your school has banned phones, you have no way to communicate with the outside, what do you do now, you wait and wait hoping you’ll be okay? Cell phones should be allowed in school because it can be useful when emergencies happen, used for learning aids, and you can track what students are doing. Almost all people have a opinion about if cell phones should or shouldn’t be permitted in school. To begin cells phones should be allowed in school because they can be useful in emergencies. So many things happen in our school environment like threats and school shootings. In the article 7 Reasons Why Students Should Be Allowed To Use Cell Phones in School the writer Joe Mecca states “In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or shooting, cell phones could help students connect with worried parents.” This is why we should be able to carry cell phones around because there have been many school shootings and …show more content…
Many people think that cell phones should be banned because they are distracting and students are more worried about what’s going on outside of school works. If schools had banned cell phones and there was an emergency then the students would have no way to reach out to their parents about what is going on or to call for help. Also when it comes down to students phone the thing they probably cherish most they will still find a way to sneak in their phones to get on them and not get caught. So therefore we should have cell phones allowed in school. In conclusion cell phones should be allowed in school. Cell phones should be allowed in school because they are useful when emergencies happen, can be used for learning aids, and administrators and parents can track what the student is