
Censorship In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel that was published in the year 1953 by an author known as Ray Bradbury. In the book setting the society is in future America when books are outlawed and any that are found are burned. Censorship could be said to be the main theme of this book plus its effects are seen in the society in existence. For one, the society here does not seem to be able to think for themselves and at the very least hold a meaningful conversation. Instead, the people there spend extreme time watching too much television and listening to sea-shell radio. Clearly, censorship has a negative effect on the society and only works to stop individuals from achieving their maximum potential. Fahrenheit 451 does not explain …show more content…

One of these roles is that of the individual who is not accepted by this society and an intellectual who was considered an outlaw by the society. This change of the normal perception of the individual and the family is mostly promoted by the medial. In this society the general population has been taken over by mass media, overpopulation and censorship. Television has played the biggest role in this distortion of the basic idea of the family. Instead of the firefighters being seen as individuals who try to protect fire from doing any harm or destruction, they were viewed as the flamethrower and destroyer of books. This is a wrong perception that was inspired by the …show more content…

In reality this is not a vice and as a matter of fact, is something that should be encouraged under normal situations. If people in the general masses could think as individuals they could have a direction in their life and could thus know what they wanted and what they did not. With this ability to decide it would be possible for the particular community to succeed in delivering their objectives, this is what every society and community strives for. Thus blocking the ability to improve the individual’s ability to think shows that the government at the time did not want the society to be intelligent. Similarly, the history of a people is mostly put into permanent record through writing. For this reason discouraging people from reading means that it would be impossible for them to focus on their history. Considering the readily available television makes it easy for individual to forget their history and to always remain in the present the lack of correction in the society becomes

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