
Censorship Should Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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" I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket, I had a notification. Out of instinct, I whipped my phone out to see what it was. “Update: Net Neutrality and the FCC,” an Apple news alert. I opened my news app to see the top headlines. “‘The Chew’ Co-Host Steps Away Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations,” “California Wildfires now larger than NYC and Boston Combined,” “NYC Suspect Says He Made Bomb At Work,” and “Trump Rips Senator Who Called For Him To Resign.” It’s funny how so much devastation is going on right now, but yet Americans are still concerned about their freedoms. The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights clearly protects five basic freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, …show more content…

Many say that this directly affects each student and their freedom of speech. Filters have come up that block students from tools they might need. Some of these are learning tools. For example, in many schools, YouTube is blocked, even though it contains many valuable tutorials and videos that students may need. By restricting this, not only are you putting stress on the student but you are also limiting a learning style. Many students learn better when watching videos and being shown visually how to do something. By blocking YouTube you are limiting a student's academic success. Also, some support groups have been blocked by the new restrictions. Students may rely on support groups and pages to help them. Software in schools can block websites related to LGBT problems and issues. An LGBT anti-bullying support group was blocked in one school. Religious content is blocked, also. Completely harmless and legal information is not being provided to students who may need it. While I was researching for this essay I had a personal experience with the information I wanted to look at being blocked. The article titled “The Limit on the Internet” was blocked because it was a news article. “We sometimes think too much about the content that we block, and we ... limit their opportunities to succeed, explore their passions, and discover their strengths and

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