Certified Babysitters

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Should babysitters be certified? Well yes, because good certified babysitters deal quickly with medical emergencies,they get to know the kids to prevent injuries,and lastly there are safety risks for your child when hiring an uncertified babysitter.Babysitters for any child should always be certified for the safety of the babysitter and child.

A first advantage is they know how to be calm in emergencies. In most major emergencies the first thing a certified babysitter is going to do is call 911,but uncertified babysitters will probably hesitate or do something wrong. “Before you even begin babysitting, its a good idea to to learn the basics of first aid, the Heimlich maneuver (for choking),And infant or child CPR.” Even though an uncertified …show more content…

In addition to preventing mental, physical,and social Accidents Uncertified babysitter might abuse a child or risk health or safety.

Some uncertified babysitters may choose to abuse kids,they do this because most likely it happened to them as a child.Some signs of having a babysitter that might be abusing a child is right after they leave the house the kid is super tired and sleepy,or if before the babysitter gets there the child is acting strange or different.A major one is,”If your caregiver is forth coming about the child’s day,either she's not good at communicating with you or she has something to hide.” One of the downs of having a babysitter is the child will get attached and the babysitter will have to leave someday.

Overall, babysitters should always be certified when alone with kids. Mostly because if the child’s and the babysitters safety, but also for discipline and getting daily activities done in a timely manner. The majority of parents would thing the same do