Cesar Chavez Movie Analysis

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I chose the movie Cesar Chavez because is about an labor organizer and activist man of the civil rights. Scene ---In 1965 many grape farm workers march 300 miles from Delano, California to Sacramento. Demanding labor rights for farm workers and increasing their wages and to improve their work place conditions. Mexicans and Philippine’s got united and they strike for five years until they got to sing a contract were The scene that I choose is when growers were telling the workers in the vine yards that anyone that follow the strike will stop working there and they were not going to be higher from anybody else and workers were really afraid to strike against the growers. Also when the growers brought them water and all the workers were drinking from …show more content…

The workers have been struggle in the work place they work the whole day in the middle of the heat without any sun protection and also their health was as risk because the growers were spray pesticide to the product. The workers work the whole day in a very inhumanity way because where they didn’t have any restroom also when the growers takes water to the workers they will only providing one cup for everyone so that they can use to drink water. They had no labor laws and for that reason they went in to strike. Growers didn’t want to agree to pay the workers more money. Workers were denied a decent life in the fields of the agricultures in California they were discriminated for been poor and they were seen as inferiors for the fact that they were Mexican and growers tried to oppressive them. The growers said that if they didn’t want to do the jobs other will. The workers struggle on the field because the growers spray pesticide on the product which make them get sick and harm their health, the pesticide are highly toxic to