Cesar Chavez Research Paper

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Cesar Chavez, born March, 31, 1927 near Yuma, Arizona, was a civil rights activist who fought for rights of farmers. He was the founder of National Farmers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers. He used nonviolence to fight for the union’s agenda. Chavez was a prominent labor leader throughout his life. He died for April 23, 1993 near San Luis, Arizona (Biography.com) Chevez learned about discrimination at an early age. The house he lived in in Arizona was cheated from him by the white residents. Later, Cesar’s dad agreed to clear 80 acres of land in exchange for 40 acres of it. The deal was broken and the land was sold. He joined the navy at the age of 19 in 1946, and he learned that it was heavily segregated. Learning of injustice early in his life, …show more content…

Wehner 2 At the beginning of the UFW, they were able to get grape growers to accept union contracts, giving farmers better working conditions and higher wages. The UFW used nonviolent tactics, such as boycotts and fasting, to accomplish their goals. A prominent strike that the UFW held was the Delano Grape Strike and Boycott (“The Story of Cesar Chavez”). Swearing to be nonviolent, Latino and Filipino strikers walked out of grape farms on September 16, 1965, the Mexican Independence Day. The strikers boycotted table grapes and used picket lines to protest. Three years in, to show the movement was still alive and to preserve nonviolence. Chavez began to fast. For 25 days, Cesar Chavez did not eat, and he only drank water. The action was recognized by Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a true act of courage and sacrifice. The Delano Grape Strike and Boycott finally ended in 1970 when table grape growers accepted union contracts ("The 1965-1970 Delano Grape Strike and Boycott”) Cesar Chavez would continue to be a prominent labor leader until his death on April 23, 1993. Fasting during his protests may have led to his death. Chavez’s nonviolent protests led