Challenges Of Chicano Education

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Despite the US Supreme Court ruling that made segregation in schools illegal (in Brown v. Board of Education), school districts around the country continued to discriminate against Latino students. As [someone from documentary] mentions, “quote”. Although nearly half a century has passed since East L.A. Walkouts, limitations on Chicano Studies continue to occur. To understand the contributions of the ‘Walkouts’, we will paragraph 1 and challenges that the education of Chicanos currently face. Prior to the implementation from the federal government, such as English as a Second Language (ESL), College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP), and Executive Order 15333, Chicano students in California and Texas demonstrated protested which forced school districts and the United States government to focus on the issues. Regardless of the state the Chicano student resided in, most Chicano students in late 1960’s advocated for school administrators and board members to stop “the blatant discrimination against Mexican American students in [their] school” (Edcouch Elsa Walkout Demands). If the students wanted to gain the same educational opportunities for …show more content…

Although El Plan de Santa Barbara outlined the Mexican American curriculum that would best serve the Chicano population as well as the community, the Chicano Coordinating Council on Higher Education highlights problems that Mexican American students and faculty face to this day. In the Chapter titled Organizing and Instituting Chicano Programs On-Campus, the proposal mentions that “[o]ne target where hostility can focus most damagingly is funding.” Legislation in conservative states, such as Texas