
Challenges Of Transnational Organized Crime

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In the last decades of the twentieth century organized crime has gained the highest form of development and began to wear a transnational character. The process of trans nationalization of domestic organized crime began to rise after the expansion of international legal cooperation between States, the establishment of economic, social and other relations between natural and legal persons of foreign countries. Transnational organized crime essentially has become a real threat to the security of the whole of humanity both in its scope and on the destructive influence. Transnational organized crime generates a force that threatens …show more content…

Thus, under the transnational organized crimes should be understood crimes that infringe on public relations, interests or benefits protected by the criminal law of two or more States, and the subjects of which are foreign citizens with the aim, as a rule, for financial gain or the acquisition of power. Organized crime groups control entire regions of the country. Create a particular danger growing criminal control over the information sphere of the media, the use of global computer networks, telecommunications, radio broadcast, and special equipment. The activities of organized criminal groups terrorist acquires focus, including its political overtones. Currently, the challenges facing different states due to the need to counter the increasing crime activities of transnational crime organizations, global in nature. This means that such problems are of interest to all countries of the world, but none of them are not able to solve them alone. Questions to counter transnational organized crime and transnational criminal groups at the international level are addressed in various treaties and conventions relating to specific varieties of

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