Examples Of Variations In Crime: In Search For A Low Crime Model

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Variations in Crime: In Search for a Low Crime Model
Kinga Harrison
Professor Judy Tompkins
December 1, 2013

Variations in Crime: In Search for a Low Crime Model
Variation in crime reflects the belief systems, socio-economic diversity, and the way in which the disparity in income distribution all supports the criminal enterprises within a nation. Through looking at the various forms of culture and how this provides for an increase or decrease in crime, the development of a model for a society with less crime can emerge. As an example, there is lower crime throughout the nations in Europe that do not allow guns. In the United States, where gun ownership is a right, crime is significantly higher. Another example is that modernization is often a sign of a higher crime rate, but this is not true in relationship to the modernization of Japan (Hagan, 2008). The example of Japan shows that there is a model through which modern society can be a safe environment. …show more content…

Crime definition is different where one nation will have laws that see aspects of criminal behavior from one perspective, while the other will see it from a very different perspective. In addition, corrupt governing systems may not have accurate reports. International crime and the related statistics are not always compatible with each other so that defining the problem of which nation has more crime cannot be easily assessed (Dijk,

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