Change In Agriculture: Cradling Wheat By Thomas Hart Benton

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Mallory Mallari
Sherri Harvey
English 1B
24 April 2018
Change in Agriculture
“Cradling Wheat” by Thomas Hart Benton has influenced a comparison between what agriculture looked like in the 1940s compared to what it looks like now in the present day
In a drawing comprised of a beautiful scenery that was once a part of everyday life, Benton is able to convey a sense of peace and comfort through the form of art. He is able to show how real-life people and their everyday lives came together to make what is now a part of American history. His artwork shows how farmers and the field could ultimately unite as one as a way to praise rural life. With the heavy emphasis that Benton places on agriculture, it makes one wonder where did that go in the world …show more content…

One of the many concerns that people have when it comes to vertical farming is how it's going to affect the jobs of the people in agriculture such as farmers, merchants, etc. Despite the great level of fear that comes with vertical farming, it is only meant to do the opposite. In his book, Friedman states that “The further we push out the boundaries of knowledge and innovation, the more the next great value breakthroughs...will come from putting together disparate things that you would not think of as going together” (287). With this saying, he means that when you implement a concept such as vertical farming that comes from two such diverse aspects and are able to put them together where they work almost harmoniously, only great amounts of success should come from it. He also means that it is nothing to be afraid of and that change is inevitable so it might as well be a good type of change. With the implementation of vertical farming will come even more opportunities for jobs. The thing about these new jobs is that they will need certain skill sets that only people who have worked in either agriculture or architecture could provide. Vertical farms require a lot of care, especially because it is so new and there is not as much knowledge about it as a conventional type of farming. On top of that vertical …show more content…

This is also an aspect that should not be shied away from. According to a research report done about vertical farming, it would cost approximately $83.7 million dollars for a single vertical farm building. However, the thing that is not thought about when it comes to the costs of vertical farms is that although they are going to be an investment, they will also make a lot of profit.When it comes to conventional farms, farmers tend to lose money when drastic weather hits, whether that be drought, floods, hurricanes. With vertical farming, because it is indoors that won't be much of a problem. On top of that, a great amount of food will be grown. So there is no worry about drastic weather conditions that will affect vertical farms. Another thing is that vertical farms will be placed in HOC (High Occupancy Cities) so it will generate a lot of business which will, in turn, generate a lot of