Changes In Canada In The 1920s

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The new name for the 1920’s would be “Progressive Decade” because this period demonstrated the advancements made for Canadian citizens. The ‘20s had shown the progress of economics, and the expansion of opportunities for workers and farms throughout the nation. While it failed to eliminate the racial societal views of many Canadians, it expressed a change in inclusivity with the new and notorious additions of Black Canadians in the entertainment industry. Thus the subtle improvements made during the decade, establishes the progressive acts of Canadians in the 1920s.

During the 1920s, Canada saw significant growth in economics. The economy’s increase was due to several factors and changes which include the expansion of agricultural production and the elevated trade throughout Canada. Throughout the ‘20s, Canada worked to develop their production, this included the new technological advancements that were also an addition to the decennary. Additionally, the growing agricultural field was able to provide employment. Furthermore, the implications of trade during this period allowed for more revenue. Overall, the growing agriculture throughout the decade helped develop the economic growth seen throughout the 1920s.

WORKERS AND FARMERS …show more content…

Due to the increase in employment, citizens felt secure in their workforce. Many rural workers moved to urbanized areas for more career opportunities. As mentioned before, farmers throughout the 1920s saw an exponential increase in Canada’s trade, which meant more development and improvements for the agricultural world. Despite the significant growth in agriculture, farmers still struggled with debt due to the failing crop prices. In general, the ‘20s allowed for more flexibility and advancements for workers, but farmers still struggled with