Changes In Lady Macbeth's Relationship

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Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s relationship is somewhat the opposite of a regular relationship. Lady Macbeth makes all the orders and her husband follows them. Perhaps Macbeth does this out of respect for her. Their love for each other is not the one you find in every day relationship. Lady Macbeth made Macbeth decisions for him until Duncan death, telling him what choices were right for him if he wanted to become king. Their relationship suddenly changes due to Duncan being killed.
Macbeth loves Lady Macbeth a lot and holds a lot of respect for her, calling her “my dearest love’ and dear wife” (1.5.57 + 3.2.36). However, Lady Macbeth does not show any respect for her husband as she insults him by calling him “a coward” (1.7.43). Maybe Lady Macbeth …show more content…

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship is the reverse to this. Macbeth refers to his wife as his ‘dearest partner in greatness’. Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, repeatedly insults her husband: “Are you a man?” (3.4.58) and “art thou afeard,” (1.7.39). Lady Macbeth rejects her femininity and telling the spirits to “unsex me here” (1.5.39) – to remove her gentler, motherly feelings and make her evil, which represents her un-feminine personality. Lady Macbeth also rejects her motherhood, which no woman of that time would have done, showing that she’s not a normal caring, loving woman: ‘dashed the brains out,’ (1.7.58), saying that she’d rather kill her own baby then go against her word. The only thing that Macbeth aims to do is to please his wife and gain ‘co-equal love’, but Lady Macbeth might have realized that he thinks like this, so she plays with her power over him, she is the dominant one playing with her …show more content…

Lady Macbeth uses strong, demanding words to control Macbeth. This shows that Lady Macbeth is outgoing, ambitious and fearless. The structure of the play ‘Macbeth’ makes the reader pause every few lines. These sharp words are used in Macbeth after he has committed the murder. Lady Macbeth uses short words to represent her panic: “Hark, peace!” (2.2.2). Macbeth always asks his wife for advice and help: “If we should fail?” (1.7.59). After the murder, Lady Macbeth does this: “What’s to be done?” (3.2.44). Lady Macbeth uses lots of negativity to relate to Macbeth, saying he is “too full o’th’milk of human kindness”