Chapter 14 Of John's Gospel

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In chapter 14 of the John’s Gospel Jesus is speaking with his disciples at the last supper. The portion of this chapter that is most relevant to this paper are verses 1-7, so these will be there verses dealt with. This chapter begins with Jesus comforting his disciples saying, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith in me also.”(John 14:1) In the commentary by D. A. Carson he stated that even though Jesus is the one heading for pain and suffering, he knows that his disciples do not understand what is happening and are scared about the idea of Jesus leaving them. Jesus then goes on to tell his disciples that he is returning to his Father and that where he is going he will prepare a place for them. Jesus reassures …show more content…

In Genesis, they journey that Abram is facing is a concrete journey from point a to point b. In this passage Abram is told where to go and without question Abram and his people pack up and follow God. In John, however, the journey is much more complex. In this passage, Jesus is asking his disciples to follow him to a destination they do not fully understand. The disciples question Jesus about the destination and are faced with an abstract journey compared to Abram in Genesis. These two passages do accentually convey the same message. That message is to follow God and to trust in God. John emphasizes that the only way to get to God, which is the ultimate destination, is through Jesus. In an essay by C. S. Lewis entitled First and Second Things, Lewis explains the importance of putting first things first. Lewis explains that if you put second things first then in the end you will not only lose the first thing, but you will lose the second things as well. Lewis does not claim to know what exactly the “first thing” is, but rather say that if we do no know then it is searching for the first thing can only be the quest to find out what the first thing is. In the context of the bible passages, the first thing could be seen as Jesus, and the only way to get to Jesus is to make him the most important thing and to focus on …show more content…

The bible passages make no mention if these issues that Mac Miller feels is a big problem in the modern world. Another problem that Mac Miler faces is the difficulty of believing in something like God or Jesus. In his first verse he says, “…This angel speaks, She’s saying the place is safe for me, I told her “wait for me,” the make believer normally disguise.”(Aquarium) I see this line as being similar to when Jesus is telling his disciples that he will prepare a place for them and Thomas questions him about the destination. In this line Mac Miller ears an angel telling him about this place that is safe for him but he is skeptical to believe it. Then in the hook Mac Miller says “I’m wearing a blind fold, like where did the time go, I know you hear me out there, give me a sign though, I’ma follow you wherever your mind goes.”(Aquarium) In this hook, Mac Miller is saying that if he is given a sign, he will follow the angel or God wherever they want him to go. This brings up another short coming of the theological text because in these passages, Abram and the disciples both were either talking with God or talking with Jesus. Mac Miller’s problem is that he cannot find that physical communication and that is what is holding him back