Coming into this analysis of chapter six was talking about starting to get the project off the ground and the parts Mr. West and the Microkids played in the project. When Mr. West was working on the project he started to learn more and something that stood out to me was that not everything worth doing is worth doing well, there is no such thing as a perfect design. When I read that part from the text it touch home to me because it’s just like in life not everything in life is worth doing or even perfect. Now the Microkids had an important part in the project, there job was to write the microcode and have it done by a certain time. Now one way they thought they could improve performance on the project was through competition. They used competition …show more content…
West started to get from all the work from the project and employees. One of the reasons behind his stress was the position Mr. West played as the leader of the project. As the leader Mr. West starts to notice the slow moment in progress with work, which starts to make Mr. West have distrust to his workers for his team doing their assignments. A real big concern that Mr. West had was the delay in progress on the Eagle, because of the slow progress with the eagle he started to go in on Sunday mornings when nobody was supposed to be there. Even though West was starting to lose trust for his teammates there was one person he could trust and that was Ed Rasala. The thing in Ed Rasala that stood out to Mr. West was that Ed Rasala never gives up which is something that can’t really be taught, but you just have to have it inside you which Mr. West can relate …show more content…
West was facing. I learned through this chapter how when pressure hits you, you can lose everything you believe in and trust. Mr. West could have done something’s to better organize and down play the stress on his team with work with better management techniques.
In the final chapter for this assignment chapter eight I learned more about Chuck Holland. Chuck Holland was Mr. Alsing’s main assistant. Now through this chapter I learned that Mr. Alsing dedicated most of the supervision of the team from himself to Chuck Holland. I also learned that in this chapter how bad of a manager Mr. Alsing was, he was so bad of a manager that if it wasn’t for Chuck Holland. Now Mr. West still trusted Mr. Alsing and by leaving he in charge as he thought paid to be most successful.
The point of chapter eight to me was to show us how important Chuck Holland was to the projects. Since Mr. Alsing was always putting work off to Chuck Holland it really showed how important Chuck Holland is to the whole project. My assumption for the upcoming chapters is that more about Chuck Holland will come out and the work he has been doing will start to be seen more by his peers and not Mr.