
Chapter Summary: A Brave New World

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The book begins with William‘s critique of the modern free market and its fundamentally flawed view of freedom, William says the modern view of freedom is flawed because it defines freedom negatively. He believes that it is this kind of freedom that is absent of any orientation towards a greater good, which leaves the free market vulnerable to the domination of the arbitrary power of one will over another. He says a proper view of freedom within in the economy must be defined positively as a freedom for good and purposeful end, William gives two different stories of western economy from which we may choose to live by: the first one talks of an economy that is controlled by endless chain of consumer desire that are detached from good and …show more content…

He says the churches should take an active role in fostering economic practices that are consonant with the true ends. He talks also about globalization, which in this book is a view of the world that tends to ignore the interest and concerns of the local. William points out in such a context, “free trade” “is a detachment from the local and a commitment to the hypermobillity of capital” (p.63) from the Christian prospective, the economy demands a new course be taken that brings the human person back to the center. Which can only be brought about through concrete, local economic, William provides real-life examples of how Christian communities around the world are already creating economic spaces where the dignity of the human person is safeguarded. He mentions the virtues of the Fair Trade movement and Church supported agriculture. In the last chapter the story of the free market, told by Adam Smith, tells us that the scarcity of resources will be guided by an “invisible …show more content…

He wanted to show us that the there is a better freedom than what we think. He believes that by reading this book we will understand how the church should operate in the economy. What its role is and how we can integrate the market with religion. He was able to achieve his goal of the book by explaining. The book contributes to the society of today by teaching the Christians to desire the true freedom which will enable to live in peace and harmony, it contributes to the business world as it it includes some of the challenges that the economy is facing such as scarcity of resources etc. it disciplines the business people by showing them that that if they can desire for the true freedom which is positive and brings about harmony; they could go far in

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