Film Summary: A Brave New World

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Jake Sully is a former Marine stuck to a wheelchair with a warrior’s heart bitter and frustrated. He finds an opportunity to fight again in the place he least expected on a distant world. He is recruited to join a mining operation on the moon
Pandora. The operation is strip-mining for a mineral worth $20 billion per kilogram on Earth. Jake use a link system that projects his mind into a hybrid of humans and Pandora's native species the Na'vi this is called an avatar. In his new avatar Jake can once again walk and run. His mission is to communicate with Na'vi and learn there ways. A Na'vi female named Neytiri saves jakes avatar life. She shows jake the way the mining operation is destroying the Na'vi's untainted world.
Jake sees the what is …show more content…

The way the U.S government handled the Native peoples is just like the way the Mining operation.
U.S pushed the native people off their sacred land and did not care. The operation

just cared about the minerals that they were after. Witch gave them a lot of money from earth.
The operation destroys the jungles that the Na’vi call home and they show no regard for the wild life of the eco system. They bulldoze down entire forests and take Na’vis homes and scattering there peoples. The operation destroys scared places and ancient burial ground. Just like the way the U.S government pushed around the Native peoples for more land and put them in reservations.
The Operation Is drawn to the largest deposits of minerals and will stop at nothing to get them. They destroy the Na’vis homes to get to is they also value the mineral over other humans life. The same thing happened when gold was found out west. The pioneers were cutthroat to strike it rich.
Conflict eventually tears out and the operation kills men women and children and kills any Na’vi with no remorse. They try to put the Na’vi in camps and try to control them. They also try to trick the Na’vi with bad treaties. The