82nd Academy Awards Essays

  • Native American Case Study

    596 Words  | 3 Pages

    There were many instances where Jake was conflicted with himself on whether he should follow through with his mission or to protect the Na'vi. Internal noise is an aspect of communication that acts as a barrier; it can be physiological, psychological, or semantic. Internal noises act as a distraction, usually thoughts, that interrupt the communication process. Jake, a paraplegic, was promised by the Colonel that his legs would get restored if he gathered enough information about the Na'vi and their

  • Film Summary: A Brave New World

    497 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jake Sully is a former Marine stuck to a wheelchair with a warrior’s heart bitter and frustrated. He finds an opportunity to fight again in the place he least expected on a distant world. He is recruited to join a mining operation on the moon Pandora. The operation is strip-mining for a mineral worth $20 billion per kilogram on Earth. Jake use a link system that projects his mind into a hybrid of humans and Pandora's native species the Na'vi this is called an avatar. In his new avatar Jake can once

  • Avatar Essay Questions

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    NDW4M-AVATAR James Cameron’s epic adventure film Avatar runs in direct parallels with various concepts and ideas discussed in our course thus far. Throughout the film, evidence of invasion, assimilation, colonization, and intrusion of capitalism. The film also relates to how Canada has affected its indigenous in recent history, occurrences of mistreatment still happening today. In the very first scenes of the movie, one comes to understand that humans have landed and set camp on planet Pandora.

  • Capitalism A Love Story Analysis

    1414 Words  | 6 Pages

    The movie, Capitalism: A Love Story is a must-see movie, written, directed by and starring Michael Moore. This is an American documentary film which was widely release to the public in the United States and Canada on October 2, 2009. It is a well- presented and quite interesting movie which had a content of both humor and outrage. Also the director has organized each detail of the film in a good manner which is entertaining. This movie by Moore talks about Capitalism and its effect on the economy

  • The Cinematography In Avatar Jake Sully

    804 Words  | 4 Pages

    Have you ever wanted to be a different person in the same life? In Avatar Jake Sully and the other humans try to do that with the Na’vi people. James Cameron directed a masterpiece that came out in 2009 called Avatar. The cinematography in Avatar is shown all throughout the movie, the main visual aspect that I saw in the film is the different color palettes. The contrast between the Na’vi people and the humans are shown throughout the colors that they live with. The plot summary starts off with

  • Impact Of Social Darwinism

    1177 Words  | 5 Pages

    In England in 1859, Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution titled “On the origin of species”, This theory was then taken one step further by a sociologist named Herbert Spencer. Spencer’s theory, titled Social Darwinism, stated that some races were superior to others based on the technology they had developed as well as the countries they had conquered. Social Darwinism further stated that the weaker races would die off as they were less sophisticated and couldn’t adapt to their surroundings

  • Theme Of Greed In Avatar

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    The major thematic concept seen in the movie Avatar is greed. When arguing with Dr. Grace Augustine, Parker Selfridge says, “This is why we're here; unobtanium, because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo. That's the only reason.” Greed was the reason the corporation went to Pandora, . The humans went to Pandora to mine Unobtanium, a valuable mineral that could save the humans from an energy crisis back on Earth. In the movie we can see that the humans are willing to do anything and

  • Archetypes In The Film Avatar

    1507 Words  | 7 Pages

    An archetype is a model for common symbols or story pattern seen throughout similar works. For example, that of the “Hero’s Journey”. In James Cameron’s 2009 film Avatar, an ex-marine by the name of Jake, finds himself on Pandora after his brother passes away. While there, he takes part in a mission left behind by his brother Tommy, in which he becomes an avatar and tries to earn the trust of the native Na’vi people. Colonel Quaritch tells Jake that he must negotiate with The People and report back

  • Examples Of Greed In Avatar

    1613 Words  | 7 Pages

    Cameron, James. “Avatar 2009.” Disney+, 18 Dec. 2009. In Avatar (2009), humans have discovered a valuable mineral called unobtanium on the moon Pandora, inhabited by a humanoid species called the Na'vi. To extract the mineral, humans create avatars, which are genetically engineered human-Na'vi hybrids controlled by humans. Jake Sully, a disabled former Marine, who was recruited to replace his deceased twin brother as an avatar operator. Jake quickly becomes close with the Na'vi people and their way

  • Jake Sully's Use Of Thresholds In The Movie Avatar

    724 Words  | 3 Pages

    Traveling to a different planet and exploring this new place while transforming into a whole new species sounds like a pretty cool adventure. This becomes a reality for many different characters in the movie Avatar. This film is about humans who discover a planet called Pandora and on this planet there are helpful resources but the environment in poisonous to human. So, each human is assigned an avatar, a body of the indigenous people, and with this avatar they can roam the planet freely. To connect

  • Stephen Dedalus In Homer's Odyssey

    1999 Words  | 8 Pages

    6. Ulysses The first episode is named Telemachus, the son of Ulysses and Penelope. He leaves his castle because it is occupied by young men who want to win Penelope`s heart and crown. Telemachus goes on a journey guided by a desire to find his father in order not to feel as a disrespected son in his own castle anymore. The book begins at 8 am on June 16 1904, a few miles outside of Dublin where Stephen Dedalus and Buck Mulligan are at Martello Tower. The episode opens with a scene where Mulligan

  • The Fall Of Icarus Analysis

    926 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Fall of Icarus Pieter Brueghel the Elder was born in 1564 in Brussels, Flanders. Some websites suggest that he was born in 1565. The art style he was part of is today called Dutch and Flemish Renaissance, also known as Northern Renaissance. Some of his most famous artworks or paintings are “The Whitsun Bride”, “A Village Lawyer”, “2 Peasants binding faggots”, and “The Tower of Babel”. He mostly painted landscapes and grotesque imagery, for example fire. He also painted very subtle details.

  • Avatar Research Paper

    1213 Words  | 5 Pages

    After long years of preparing for this film, anticipation, loads of hype, Avatar, produced by James Cameron was finally set to come out in 2009. What was all this rage about? Is it worth watching? Can this director live up to the title of another big film? As the slogan goes, “you’d have to see it to believe it.” Breaking several box office records and becoming the highest-grossing film of all time, Cameron had lived up to his name and did not disappoint. As Cameron achieved satisfying audiences

  • Archetypes In Avatar

    1572 Words  | 7 Pages

    Archetypes propel a plot by adding interest to the story and giving dynamic to the story. They are what keeps the story going. For example, without the hero, the story would be far less interesting and have little plot development. Avatar, by James Cameron, is an excellent film that shows multiple hero's journeys and many different archetypes that you can watch develop throughout the plot. Avatar is a movie about Jake Sully venturing out into another planet named Pandora. Jake was not originally

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Jake Sully

    1194 Words  | 5 Pages

    Preceding the climactic battle for Pandora in the movie Avatar, protagonist Jake Sully presents a speech to the Na’vi, specifically the Omaticaya clan, in preparation for the upcoming battle. Utilizing rhetorical elements such as anaphoras and, emotional appeals, both paired with notable visual elements including distinct camera angles, lighting, and color contrast, Sully sells his message effectively to both his Na’vi audience and his viewers beyond the fourth wall. Prior to his monologue, the Na’vi’s

  • Who Is The Antagonist In Avatar

    1435 Words  | 6 Pages

    Belinda Duhl THEA 1023, Fall Semester 2016 Due: Saturday, December 10, 2016 Avatar Avatar, is a 2009 American epic science fiction film that was directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. The film stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Giovanni Ribisi, Michelle Rodriquez, and Sigourney Weaver (2). The story formula or plot is the specific actions and events and the order in which the filmmakers arrange those events and actions to effectively convey the movie’s narrative

  • Taking A Closer Look At The Top Preparing Film Industry

    2034 Words  | 9 Pages

    Every year a new set of actors and actresses emerge as the top actors of the year. Many of these actors come from top grossing movies of the year. For example, in 2016 all top ten actors/actresses of the year came from five top grossing films of the year. Those top films in order of increased grossing were, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Suicide Squad, Deadpool, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Captain America: Civil War (Guerrasio). This pattern is also seen amongst the top grossing actors

  • Cultural Imperialism In Hollywood

    1277 Words  | 6 Pages

    Throughout the history of motion pictures and Hollywood, there have been many revolutionary changes, transformations, and shifts within the industry in order to keep with the times, stay relevant among the competition, and keep it’s national and international audiences both continually interested and captivated by Hollywood and it’s films in an ongoing effort to generate huge amounts of profit. Within the last 20 years specifically, Hollywood has made a focused effort to reproduce, or remake foreign

  • Emmy And Oliver Character Analysis

    715 Words  | 3 Pages

    Emmy & Oliver Can you imagine being just a little kid and having your best friend be kidnapped by their father? Well in Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway Emmy has this happen to her best friend Oliver. After ten years go by Emmy receives spontaneous news that Oliver has been found in New York and is on his way home. When Oliver arrives Emmy and her friends are told to give him space. Emmy decides to go talk to him one day and realizes that their friendship will never be the same as when they were kids

  • Leonard Nimoy Analysis

    1231 Words  | 5 Pages

    he considers him a brother and william's daughters call him Uncle Leonard. Zachary Quinto Considered him a father like figure and looks up to him. Brent Spiner been nominated for Best Actor but did not receive it, he did how ever received a Saturn Award for best supporting actor in Star Trek First