Chapter Summary Of Chapter 6 By Gushee And Stassen

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The first readings were about love. In chapter 6 of Gushee and Stassen they talk about how we love, why we love, and who we love. They talk about sacrificial love and mutual love as two different types. Then they talk about how as Christians it is our duty to spread love and love everyone even people we view as enemies. The way we learn to spread love is through the cross and what Jesus did for us. In the next reading, Hays in chapter 10 of his book talks about three focal images; community, cross, and new creation. All three relate back to one another, but again it is showing us as Christians why we have the life we have by God loving us, and how we need to spread that love to the rest of the world. With these two readings on love personally …show more content…

The first was chapter 7 of Gushee and Stassen. In this chapter, they talk about different forms of justice and freedom, and the four elements of justice. One quote from this chapter that really stuck with me was when Gushee and Stassen say, “Notice that in all cases biblical justice is justice from below, the delivering intervention of God on behalf of those who need to be saved from those who oppress, dominate, or exclude them” (Gushee and Stassen pg. 137). I feel like it shows that God cares about every person that loves Him, not just those who are successful. Every person matters and God will do anything for them, and justice will occur for those less fortunate. In the second reading Mott chapter 4 he talks about 3 different types of justice. With these types of justice, they all go into one another and work like a ladder where is starts with individual justice and goes towards communal justice. In class, we talked about how justice is not always impartial and first it needs to be partial. With that line, I feel like it connects both sets of readings, and combines justice and love together. As Christians, we need to love every person no matter if they look different, sound different, or are from a different place than us. It does not mean that they are any less than us. Our love should lead to justice for everyone and no groups getting left out or getting less rights than another. We should stand up for these groups that are