Character Analysis: Captain Rink

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Captain Rink: And say, you’re doing good in these three particular areas and what are areas that they can work on and that they could be better at. I am sure one of them was in terms of keeping the command informed in communication. I just don’t have my notes on the other two and I can’t tell you for sure, but I’m sure I picked out like three of them. I treated everybody the same way. Robert: But it wouldn’t have been a mid-tour where you said, you’re doing everything fantastic, don’t change a thing? Captain Rink: No, because I don’t think that helps anybody. Robert: Okay. Captain Rink: I think you need to help people to improve them as officers, you need to pick out areas where they need to get stronger in order to be a better officer. …show more content…

Did you view the NIB lock as a positive or his reassignment as a special project officer as a positive or a negative, or how did you view the NIB lock when you issued it to him? Captain Rink: So, if I can, maybe I should back up a little bit and I can discuss a few more things within the NIB lock. As I stated at the end of my NIB lock and I firmly believed it, it was that the whole point of the NIB lock was to be used as a counselling tool was to make him a better officer. I had lost come confidence in him because of some of the things that I had pointed out in the NIB lock, but I certainly also felt that Lieutenant Commander Burmaster was a good officer, he just needed to have some more mentoring and such going on to make him a better one. So, to me, it was definitely used as a counseling tool and something that he could use to make himself a better officer and I think that is kind of born out by the fact that he has been promoted to commander. Perhaps he is, in fact and I don’t know for sure, but perhaps he took to heart the NIB lock, was a better officer and he got promoted to being a commander. I mean to being promoted to being a senior officer is not an easy seat and clearly I think, or at least hope, some of his counseling helped him to achieve that. So, if you would like I could go over a couple other things that were pointed out in the NIB lock, would that be …show more content…

As I said, it’s not so much that it was an IG complaint, it was the fact that one of my officers could have defused this into a lower lever and could have often informed me about what he knew and yet he never mentioned a word even though I mentioned it to him. It just concerns me if he’s holding thing back like that, what else is under the rug? The other issues I had was, he had a big issue about sailors not having cell phones. He contended that it was a safety issue for them and I understand that, I have sailors out in some small, small fobs end there were just two sailors, there was probably about six sites like that, that they were just two sailors out there and there was concern about them being able to be accounted for, their safety and if something happened to the fob, how would they ever get ahold of someone and let them know if there was a

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