
Character Analysis Holden Caulfield

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On September 9th, a 16-year-old boy named Holden Caulfield, was reported to have had a nervous breakdown in front of his parents after a walk in the park with his little sister, Phoebe. As a result of this breakdown, Holden Caulfield’s concerned parents admitted him to The Manhattan Psychiatric Center and a possible diagnosis of Holden will be investigated. A thorough examination and analysis of Holden Caulfield have been conducted and he exhibits several characteristics suggesting that he is suffering from symptoms of depression and suicidal thoughts. Holden is presented to be a very highly sensitive but intelligent young man who said he often feels misunderstood by people around him. He showed that he feels very lonely and isolated …show more content…

When he found out, this led to Holden breaking all the glass windows in his garage out of despair. Holden also recently got expelled from his prep school in New York even though he is very intelligent and had the potential to graduate. These huge losses may have left Holden feeling hopeless and unable to cope with the demands in the real world. Holdens behavior is also with that of someone suffering from depression. He constantly engages in risky and self destructive behavior such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and running away from his home. He clearly struggles with alcohol addiction, and usually can't stop at just one glass and gets drunk regularly. He frequently becomes confrontational and argumentative with those around him and it is difficult for him to maintain close relationships and romantic partners. He also said he wanted to “disappear” which could hint to the rea-curring suicidal …show more content…

Feeling sad and alone most times, he tries to find comfort in reaching Allie, but his effort is inefficacious because Holden is an atheist and therefore doesn't believe his brother can understand him. As a result of this, his attempt to connect with Allie fails, leaving him feeling even more empty and alone than before. He is in his hotel one night thinking about Allie then says “It took me quite a while to get to sleep—I wasn’t even tired—but finally I did. What I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. I felt like jumping out the window” (Salinger 136). Saying you want to commit suicide so casually hints at something much more serious going on with holden. It is very concerning that he says something like this because we don't know if he would actually try and harm himself in the future. He makes several remarks like this throughout the book, which should not be taken

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