Life Among The Samurai By Eleanor Hall

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Title:samurai have won the battle samurai killed the knight.samurai and knight were both warriors that fight for there lords and were also payed withe land.there are many reasons why samurai are better than knight one reason is samurai have better training,better code of arms, and had better armor/weapons. the first reason way samurai are better than knight is samurai have better training. in “Life Among The Samurai” By Eleanor Hall states that samurai have better training than knights.this is because young samurai would learn to read and write at a Buddhist monastery and samurai, In “Life Among The Samurai” By Eleanor Hall states that samurai have better sword training. this is because at the age of seven they started learning kendo (the art of fencing with a bamboo sticks).finally, in “Life Among The Samurai” By Eleanor Hall states that samurai have a stronger endurance .this is because young samurai were subjugated to do physical hardships such as fasting morning, barefoot in snow and mountains rigid postures for long periods of time. so in conclusion samurai have better training than knights. samurai have a better code of arms. first, in “The Way Of The Samurai” By …show more content…

this is because a samurai sword is lite and curved so that it is easier to draw their sword.some may say that knight would win the battle because of their strong armer.however my evidence shows that the samurai was far more