Character Analysis: Narrative Strategies In Love Medicine By Louise Erdrich

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Although Marie and Lulu become friends after Marie finds out that Nector cheated on her with Lulu, Marie and Nector’s relationship changes, but they still try to bring back that love they once had between each other. In the beginning of the novel, Marie meets Nector in the woods. Nector says “Her hand grows thick and fevered, heavy in my own, and I don’t want her, but I want her, and I cannot let go” (Erdrich, 67). Nector wants Marie, but does not understand why yet. He wants her from the very beginning, but in a different way than he wants Lulu. In “Fragments and Ojibwe Stories: Narrative Strategies In Louise Erdrich's Love Medicine,” by Lydia Schultz, she says, “Nector is trapped within the morality of the dominant culture because he loves