'An Analysis Of Faulkner's A Rose For Emily'

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Analysis of Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”
Everyone on the community knew that Emily Grierson is mentally unstable, however none of them foresaw the crime she committed. Emily murdered her lover and kept the rotting corpse hidden for the past 30 years. The stench of a dead corpse lingers throughout the neighborhood for quite a while but Judge Stevens misclassified it as dead rats and snake killed by her slave. (Faulkner 301) The towns people are in fact intimidated by Emily Grierson and her family in Jefferson. In detail, maybe the reason for this fear is the social status or the position of the Grierson’s in the community. Also, there were a lot of red flags about her intention to kill Howard Barron but the whole town was clueless despite all these signs. In the end, Emily Grierson has been psychotic since the beginning of the story, how and when she lost her mind is unknown. The one question perhaps that all the readers ask about this story is, what is her motive to kill Howard Barron?
I was shock to find out about Jack Scherting’s idea about Emily’s motive behind Howard Barron’s murder. His side of the story believes that …show more content…

Howard Barron’s corpse at the end was a shock to everyone in town that nobody predicted. This is due to the Grierson’s family social status that clouded the townspeople judgement. All those red flag indicators could not help the town people figure out what is happening in the Grierson household. On the other note, Jack Scherting’s presumption of Emily’s motive of killing Howard Barron was also shocking but not too far fetch. Jack Scherting’s idea helped me see the story in a completely different spectrum about the relationship between Emily and her father. In the end, William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” is an amazing short story that does and amazing job describing the community in the old Southern United