Character Analysis Of Lily In The Secret Life Of Bees

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In the novel, “The secret life of Bees” by Sue Monk Kidd, the main character, Lily, is a teenager who is conflicted by the haunted memory of killing her own mother, and living in an abusive household. The series of events throughout the novel, transitioned her from helpless, depressed, shy girl, into a powerful, confident and empowering woman. She turned from a victim in an abusive household, into a superhero. Her ability to elude T.Ray, mature with August, and stand up to her enemy, developed her into her truest form, a hero. The conflicts with her father, forced Lily to escape from her reality, and persuaded her to find answers about her mom. The main conflict started once Lily and Rosaleen ran into three old, rude, racist white men. Since, they disrespected Rosaleen, she poured snuff all over their shoes. That triggered their actions to beat …show more content…

The sisters are August, June, and May Boatwright. August helps Lily mature, grow, and steer her along the right path. She was her mentor, every hero has a mentor. Yoda guides Luke skywalker, and Uncle Ben guides Spiderman. August, does not fit the stereotypical category of coloured people. She is educated, wise and gives Lily something she lacked in her life, which is, love. Lily is finally surrounded by a positive and loving community. This makes her more comfortable and susceptible towards being a new person. The sisters are catholic and pray every day to mary. It has taught her to forgive, and accept others. Through, the story of the lady of chains, she learns woman are strong, powerful, they are amazing. She meet Zach who gives her a notebook, to write her thoughts and expressions down on paper. She writes an extensive letter releasing all her thoughts and emotions. That moment, we see her let go and remove negativity and the baggage of her father. Everything, she learned prepared her to the final