
Character Analysis Of Scout Finch In Harper Lee's 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

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Every girl has some type of tomboy in her, whether it is doing big dares or getting dirty. Scout Finch is an example of one of them. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee shows the personalities of Scout very well. Scout acts the way she is because of the way her father, Atticus Finch raised her. Atticus has taught her what is right and wrong. Where most girls her age are wearing dresses and learning manners, Scout wears overalls and learns to climb trees with her brother, Jem, and best friend, Dill, thanks to her dad’s hands-off parenting style. Since Scout does not have a mother to teach her more important things, she learns of the ways of her dad; therefore, being a tough girl. Scout Finch likes to try new things and does not have time for
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