
Character Analysis Of Troy As A Complex Character In August Wilson's Fences

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Troy as a Complex Character Fences, a play by August Wilson, was set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania based on the 1950’s. The play revolves around how Troy Maxon treats his family, and how he manages certain situations. Although he may be a good man on certain occasions, his flaws stand out more. The play shows Troy’s true character and how his personality impacts the lives of those around him. The story also includes Troy’s family as their personalities also help set up the scenes in the play. All these events that happened in the play reflect and show how complex Troy is as a person. Troy grew up during a time where racism and discrimination was heavy. He played baseball but never made it to the “big leagues” until he was old and unable to …show more content…

Cory, his second son, wanted to pursue a football career and insisted his dad multiple times to let him play. Troy being the stubborn man he was continued to say no and told his son to go work instead of wasting his time on something he couldn’t make a living out of. Eventually Rose appears after an intense conversation between Troy and Cory about how Cory is Troy’s responsibility, not because he likes him and how he should go get that A&P job back. Realizing the situation Rose tries to convince Troy to let Cory play football. Rose states, “Times have changed from when you was young, Troy. People change. The world’s changing around you and you can’t even see it” (Wilson 40). Despite the attempts to change his mind, Troy refused and it led to Cory not pursuing his dreams and later in the play getting kicked out of his own home. Cory eventually became a Corporal in …show more content…

Everytime he went to work he did it for his family, he never wanted them to go without essential needs like food, water, clothing etc. The house he was living in was technically bought by Gabe’s government funds. Even with that circumstance instead of just living off Gabe’s money he provided everything else for himself and his family. Every time he got his paycheck he gave it to Rose so she could manage it instead of him. In act one scene 3 there’s a discussion between Troy and Cory about how Cory wants a two hundred dollar TV but the roof needing to be tarred costs two hundred and sixty-four dollars. Cory insisted that his father get TV. Troy’s response, “Two hundred and sixty-dollars…cash money. While you thinking about a TV, I got to be thinking about the roof…and whatever else go wrong around here. Now if you had two hundred dollars, what would you do…fix the roof or buy a TV?” (Wilson 32). Troy preferred using his money on something useful instead of blowing it on an electronic. When Gabe got injured in combat he took the responsibility of looking after his brother and when he got in jail he made sure to get him out. Troy was very responsible with his money and family since he had a childhood of poverty, he wanted the best for

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