In this photograph, it depicts the location that the two main characters--Anna and Bennett--first met each other, even though they did not know this until later in the novels. Each and every morning, Anna wen to the track at the nearby university to practice, and one morning she saw a figure in the bleachers, staring at her. “When I’m completely alone. And then I realize I’m not. I see someone in the bleachers [...] watching me. [...] I look up, right in his direction [...] without even thinking about it, I flip around mid-stride to look at him again. He’s gone (10-11). After looking multiple times, the figure had seemed to disappear, so Anna investigated. After looking at the bleachers, she found proof--footprints in the snow--that someone was there, but no footprints leading away from the bleachers. This left Anna in complete confusion and utter uncertainty. Later on, Bennett arrives at Anna’s school as a new student, but when confronted claims that he had never met Anna.
Weeks after meeting, Anna spots Bennet hunched over a park bench, looking sick to his stomach. “I see a movement in the park across the street… I make out the shape of a person, doubled over on the park bench […] ‘Bennett?
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For Bennett, traveling to a destination was not a problem for him, but coming home he experienced horrible migraines and a lack of water. “‘What’s with the water and the coffee?’ ‘Traveling makes me dehydrated, and caffeine helps with the migraines’” (111). With this in mind, because Anna was not the person actually doing the traveling, she only experienced stomach pains, which were cured with saltine crackers. “He walks over to his desk and returns with a little sandwich bag of saltines […] ‘Those are for you, in case you need them when we get back’” (229). This photograph portrays the difficulty with time travel, but how their relationship is strong enough to stand the test of