The Pros And Cons Of Drone Warfare

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The advancement I am looking at today is that of Unmanned warfare of as I have heard it said “The next best thing to dying there”. This is the concept of drone warfare. The use of a system that remote the risk to the soldier but still is effective in combat. The most known use of this advancement is the UAV systems like the “Predator” Drones. So first the benefits: A way to engage in conflict without placing your armed forces in harm's way, Using this advancement the combatant in charge of the unmanned weapon can be safe in a bunker on the other side of the world. Thus decreasing the physical risk to the combatant. The advancements needed to carry out this kind of operation are vast, real-time feeds to and from the control system to the weapon. The system to …show more content…

The advancement in this field has and is bringing advancements into many aspects of the daily lives of people around the world. Like the low drone monitoring of crops to find over watering and sending data to control the watering of crops to get the best yield. Now onto the negative impacts: On impact is the same as all new weapons of war, indiscriminate killing, miss use, and carelessness. Indiscriminate killing is perhaps the most negative impact. This could be due to the detachment of the act of killing or the fact that the death is so far from the person. This type of weapon is ripe for misuse and carelessness due to its very nature of being out of sight and out of mind of the populace in general. When you can hide killing it is a place where those looking to gain power or dominion over another group. A more insidious impact might be the desensitization of the people that carry out the use of the weapon thus causing post-traumatic stress, That is unseen to the community at large. What can we do to decrease the impact of this advancement? One we could place very clear rules and oversight on the use of this weapon