Character Analysis: R's Glenda Baker

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R/s Glenda Baker is totally disabled, she can’t walk long distance and she can’t stand for long period. R/s Ms. Baker has two crushed discs above her tailbone, three bulging disc in the back of her neck, Fibromyalgia, and her spine is shape of an S. R/s she suffers from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe depression, anxiety and panic attacks. R/s Ms. Baker takes medication for all her conditions. R/s Ms. Baker is living with her daughter, Lindsay and she is mentally and emotionally abusive to Ms. Baker. R/s Lindsay curses at Ms. Baker and calls her names like “a fucking bitch.” R/s Lindsay is very mean and treats Ms. Baker like a dog. R/s Ms. Baker has to clean the house and clean up after the cats because Lindsay doesn’t do it.