
Character And Relationships Of Odysseus Compared To The Bible

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Character and Relationships of Odysseus compared to the Bible

Odysseus was a man of many talents, he was a great military leader, a good father and, not always but most of the time a loyal husband. He defeated the Greeks using his wits, he also saved his men from the evil witch called Circe. He wasn’t perfect though he did make mistakes, all mortals do. He is married to a beautiful women named Penelope on the island of Ithaca, but war has called him away from both her and his son Telemachos who is not even 2 years old. All the time he is away which is 20 years he is faced with many challenges. In the Bible it talks about praying to God, and to not be anxious but through prayer and supplication let your request be known to God. In the Odyssey though Odysseus does everything but that. …show more content…

This puts him at a very important position to which he cant let his men down. With this responsibility he is very prideful and does not ask for help from the gods, this is not good. In the Bible it says that in Proverbs 16:18 “Pride before destruction, And a haughty before stumbling.” Odysseus does bring destruction on himself and all of his men. Not only was he prideful but he was very brave, he showed courage in when after he stabbed out the eye of the Cyclops he was on the ship and he shouted out his name to the Cyclops saying that ,”Cyclops, if any mortal human being ask about the injury that blinded you, tell them Odysseus destroyed your eye, a sacker of cities, Laertes’ son, a man from Ithaca. Some people think it was stupid of him to tell the Cyclops that because he is the son of Poseidon, but it was very courage’s. What the Bible says about being courage’s is in 1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” Odysseus was strong in his faith that he believed he can make it home so he boasted to the

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