Lady Macbeth Is Evil Analysis

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I do not believe the assessment accurately describes the Macbeths, even after taking their ferocious and ruthless behaviour into consideration. They are no more than extremely restricted, inadequate insults. He merely belittles Macbeth, associating him with mindless slaughter and peasantry, while failing to address his true wrongdoings and contemplative nature. Furthermore, the assessment ignores Lady Macbeth's development into a remorseful, saddened character towards the end of the play. Her evilness is only part of her complicated personality, which this assessment oversimplifies. Malcolm only deals with Macbeth's assassinations while disregarding the contributions he made as a warlord. The comparison Malcolm draws between butchering …show more content…

Similarly, butchers do not contemplate deeply before they slaughter. Malcolm is wrong to compare him in this way. The cold, calculated fashion in which Macbeth assassinates Duncan also shows that even though he has an underlying sense of what is good and what is evil, he is so possessed by evil influences that he can no longer distinguish between them properly. When he finally comes to a decision to choose evil, Macbeth is particularly monstrous. However, since Malcolm was not aware of Macbeth's prior contemplation he could not have connected this monstrousness to butchery, so I do not feel as if this is a reason that justifies Malcolm's insult. In fact, from Malcolm's perspective, it may even have appeared to be an impulsive act - this should have been a reason to go slightly easier on him, not label him a …show more content…

This is atypical of a "fiend like" person, who surely would never become so emotional. Another reason as to why I think the description of Lady Macbeth as a "fiend-like queen" is wrong is that Lady Macbeth died directly after her sleepwalking scene, and the witches are known to punish people by interfering with their sleep: "Sleep shall neither night nor day". Since the witches are under the direct command of Hecate, who is practically the Devil's right hand woman, it would be wrong to describe Lady Macbeth as "fiend like" - Devilish. Why would the Devil punish his allies? The inaccuracy of the assessment can be explained by the fact that it is said under pressure. Malcolm has an audience of people who loathe Macbeth and his wife for causing so much recent hardship. He twists their real characters to disparage them, uniting his followers against the enemy while gathering support for his new