Positive Psychology: Strength-Based Model

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In realizing “positive education” philosophers and researchers have looked into different intricacies of education. Which are internal construction of academic information, relationship between creativity and learning, effectiveness of praise, cooperative learning, and implicit theories of intelligence. Psychopathology model has been advocating remedying weaknesses of individuals to obtain academic achievement. Positive psychology with its strength based model have been looking at what is good in individual and how its deployment can attain wellbeing as well as academic achievement. In advanced countries, the associations and consequences of character strengths in varied domains (life satisfaction, achievement in work and academic settings) …show more content…

Fixing the strength is complimentary to remedying weakness, which have been the traditional psychological model. Positive education is one of the main research interest within the positive psychology which studies about the consequences of positive conditions and individual strengths in educational settings. John Dewey advocated positive schooling through the idea of constructivism, which emphasizes the individual’s ability to construct learned information according to their own idiosyncratic capabilities and views. Montessori system emphasized the importance of creativity on learning where children are provided with hands on materials through which they can express themselves through learning. Elizabeth Hurlock studied the effectiveness praise in the classroom and found that praise was effective in children regardless of age, ability and gender. Eliot Aronson has pioneered the jigsaw classroom, a theoretical approach for 3rd-12th grade classes which emphasizes the individual academic strengths of children and seeks to make them peer-teachers in a cooperative learning setting. Carol dweck studied how individual’s implicit views (fixed or growth mind set) about his/her abilities influences the attainment of success. In a fixed mind set students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that's that, and …show more content…

Will there be differences between male and female students in regard to character strengths.
Operational definition
Academic achievement is operationalized as Grade point average (GPA) or percentage.
This study employs quantitative method. The tools for collecting data will be VIA-IS Questionnaire (Peterson & Seligman, 2005), WAIS-IV and Grade point average (GPA) or Percentage of students. With a sample size of 300, convenience sampling method will be adapted to collect the data. Participants will be college going students like intermediate, under graduation and post-graduation students. Spearman rank order correlation and logistics correlation and hierarchical regression will be used for data analysis and interpretation.

This study can have important implications for strength based assessment and strength based counselling in educational settings, where not only weaknesses are discussed but strengths will also be identified and capitalized. Substantiating strength based assessment as complimentary to deficit oriented assessment will give a comprehensive picture. Integrating both will have incremental validity and more predictive