Libertarian Theory Essay

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Libertarian Theory This theory originated from the thought of John Milton in the 17th century, expressed his opinion that humans must choose the best values and ideas. Thus libertarian theory can be interpreted as an individual who has the right to publish whatever he likes or wishes the most popular concept in use today. This theory is based on the Libertarian doctrine (liberalism) which is rooted in the thinking of a number of philosophers. According to (Baran & Davis, 2012) Libertarian Theory sees 'Knowledge and Truth ' from a different perspective with the Libertarian Authoritarians influenced by the doctrine of Christian doctrine that developed in its time and claimed that the debate is fair and open, truthful and honest arguments will …show more content…

In this century, in the notion (Neuman, 1991) states that the only media that is protected by a human rights charter, must fulfill social responsibility. The theory of social responsibility, which is an evolutionary idea of media practitioners, and the work of the press freedom commission. It is growing that the only media that is protected by a human rights charter must fulfill its social responsibility. The theory of social responsibility, which is an evolutionary idea of media practitioners, and the work of the press freedom commission. To argue that besides aiming to provide information, to entertain, to make a profit (such as liberal theory), also aims to bring conflict into the discussion arena. The theory of social responsibility discussed in Theodore Peterson 's Four Theories of the Press is expressed as a shift from Liberal Theory and the Functions of the press in Social Responsibility Theory is essentially the same with the function in the Liberal Theory that has been described earlier, but the Theory of Social Responsibility reflects its dissatisfaction with the interpretation of the function and its implementation by owners and press officers. However, the responsibility of the media in social responsibility theory is difficult to be operationalized, due to the complicated tug-of-war between the interests of the government and