Relationship Between Media And Government

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3. Mass Media Relations (the Press) with the Government Press and government are interdependent with each other. The press and society are the same. The press is impossible to live and thrive in an area without any government and society. Because the territory without regulatory power and so-called government, will tend to be a jungle for the human wolves that inhabit it. The law of the jungle will be institutionalized and entrenched there. Thus "positive government-press-community interaction" is a culture of mass communication that fits the nation 's constitution and philosophy of life. In this case the press becomes a bridge connecting the interests of government and society, on a reciprocal basis. Even to bridge the self-interest (the press interest) with society, the impossible conflict of interests, and as a bridge between the interests of the press and the government that can "fight directly". But the positive interaction of government-press-society does not mean that each party must lose the function of its functional idealism. For if each existence is not approached with independent and interdependent responsibilities and obligations, it can be ascertained that each party will not be able to assume its rights and responsibilities. It means that the government should be given authority, as an authorized and responsible body to regulate the interests and spheres of its citizens. The press must remain authorized to carry out its distinctive social control functions.