Characterization In Desirees Baby

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The story of “Desiree’s Baby” is a literary fiction, and is written by Kate Chopin. Desiree’s Baby is about a girl named Desiree who was adopted by Madame and Monsieur Valmonde. Madame Valmonde goes to L’Abri to visit her daughter and her baby. Armand Aubigny was a boy that falls in love with Desiree and wants to marry her, before they got married Monsieur suggests that his daughters origin should be examine; although Armand refuses because he loves her. They had a child together and as the baby grew he started noticing his color and blames Desiree for coming from a mixed heritage (GradeSaver...1). In the story “Desiree’s Baby, Kate Chopin uses characterization, symbols, and themes to develop this short story. Characterization is the techniques a writer uses to create and develop a character (Teaching...1). For example, Armand Valmonde plays a role of Desiree’s husband that was a racist, cold hearted, hot blooded, and hot tempered(Study..1). This explains how Armand’s …show more content…

In my opinion the story of “Desiree’s Baby” is about injustice because Desiree’s husband was so cold hearted with her. These three literary devices also helped the story by supporting it with some techniques that the author uses in his writing to help get the message across the reader. The story would of been extra engaging if the author let the reader know what happened at the end of the story; when Armand reads the letter his mother left behind talking about what kind of heritage he was from. My honest assumption is that I highly recommend more people to read this story because it catches an individual’s attention at the beginning with the way it plays off in the beginning as happy story and at the end it leaves the audience in a cliffhanger. It makes the reader think of what feelings could of been going through Armand when he found out how wrong he