
Charley Monologue

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Charley wanted to become a man so badly and so quickly, that he was blindsided by the factors of what it would really be like, living life in the army. Charley was 15 years old entering the war.But he knew they wouldn’t take him if he was underaged, so he lied about his age just to be in the army. So he gets there, and he doesn't receive a uniform just yet, which he thought he would. And he writes letters to his mother telling what it is like, being a soldier. In one, he says the food is so gross. The beef, so gamey the dogs won’t eat it, and the beans, they were hard.And, they would keep reusing the beans like, for soup and coffee. Charley finally got sick to death of the drilling and wheeling and marching and fake loading. As weeks and weeks …show more content…

He wanted to run away so badly, but thought nobody else had and so he couldn't. He just knew he was going to die, in the next battle or the next, he just knew it. In the next battle, he felt the rage of killing them...ALL of them. He was so angry, and he wanted nothing more to see all of them dead. Charley had another mate, Nelson, his first battle, and he gets a shot to the belly, and the ambulance doesn't pick up belly-injured soldiers because there wasn't really much they could do for them. Later on Charley was on watch, and a Rebel was talking to him, they traded then that night, and then the Rebel got screamed at for talking with the enemy. The next night, he wasn't there. It was a different soldier because, when Charley tried to start a conversation, the other soldier shot at him, but he missed. After that, it was winter time, and Charley was feeling really alone, and then the sick had to have meat so Charley had to kill a horse for them. And Charley so wasnt down with that, but he had to. So he did, and that day was a terrible day for him.

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