Charlie Changes At The End Of The Novel Essay

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Do you think that raising your IQ to over 200 from 68 and back down again would change who you are. I think that Charlie changed at the end of the novel because Charlie's friendships changed, Charile now understands the world around him, and Charlie's perspective changed at the end of the novel.
Charlie changed at the end of the novel because his friendships changed from the beginning to the end of the novel. On page 235 Charlie says, “This intelligence has driven a wedge between me and all the people I love,” because his intelligence changed significantly and rapidly all of his friends his uncomfortable and awkward around him because they aren’t used to him being so intelligent. On page 231 Charlie says, “Mrs. Flynn looks at me very funny lately like she’s scared of me,” because Charlie is so intelligent now Mrs. Flynn is now “scared” of Charlie. On page 236 Charlie says, “ Dr. Nemur appears to be uncomfortable around me sometimes when I try to talk to him, he just looks at me strangely and turns away,” because Charlie's IQ is so high now even Dr. Nemur who started and made the experiment with Dr. …show more content…

On page 231 Charlie says, “Now I know what it means to pull a Charlie Gordon. I'm ashamed,” now that Charlie is getting smarter he's starting to understand situations and since Charlie understands he now realizes what it means to pull and Charlie Gordon. On page 237 Charlie says, “Only a short time ago I learned that people laughed at me.” Charlie says this because before when people laughed at him he just thought they were his friends, but now that Charlie is smarter than before he now realizes that people are making fun of him and laughing at him. On page 245 Charlie says, “P.P.S. please if you get a chance to put some flowers on Algernon’s grave in the back yard.” Now that Charlie is smarter he understands the importance of Algernon instead of hating