
Charlie Gordon In Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

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In Flowers for Algernon written by Daniel Keyes the novel and short story, the main character Charlie Gordon was a middle-aged male that had a low IQ. An opportunity arose for Charlie to increase his IQ through a surgery that was never performed on a human prior but had been performed on animals. Charlie was a good person for the surgery because he had the motivation to gain an education to become intelligent to make his mother proud of him. Once Charlie had the surgery he was able to absorb a lot of information about all different subjects and languages. After the surgery, Charlie was unable to express his emotions the way that he wished because his intelligence grew but he was still behind when it came to how he felt. Charlie was documenting …show more content…

A performance took place in the park in the two of the watches. In the short story, this did not occur. Charlie took Alice out to dinner in the short story but that is all that happened. This difference is important because this is when Charlie has to face his feelings for Alice. This part of the book is the introduction where Charlie realizes that he does not know how to handle his feelings and that his knowledge of emotions did not grow at the same rate as his information intelligence. In the short story, Charlie had to deal with instantly knowing that he’s scared of how he feels when he is with Alice but he did not have to deal with them the same way he had to deal with them in the …show more content…

In the novel, Charlie decided that it would be a good idea to see his mother and sister and show them that he was able to become intelligent before he was no longer smart. But in the short story, he did not decide to visit the two of them. Charlie taking the action to see his mom and sister showed how much he wanted them to see how smart he had become and he wanted them to be proud of him. When Charlie visited his father to get approval, he realized that he’s changed enough for his father to not recognize him. Visiting his family brought a new type of emotion for him to experience. He was extremely happy that he was able to get the approval he’s always wanted from his mother. His father not being able to recognize him made him feel sick because he just wanted him to be proud of him but he didn’t know who he was anymore. Charlie being able to come full circle with his family and make them proud after all the years he’s tried improved the connection between his family for the characters along with the readers of the

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