Charlotte Bronte Research Paper

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Charlotte Bronte, one of the most famous writers of the nineteenth century, was born on March 31, 1816. She was born in the city of Yorkshire, England and in 1820 moved to Haworth.Charlotte had a total of eight people in her family. She had five sisters, one brother, mom, and dad. Bronte’s father, Reverend Patrick Bronte, came from a poor Irish family. Luckily for him, he immigrated to England where he studied at Cambridge university. As a young child, Bronte and her four eldest sisters, were sent to the Clergy Daughters School in Cowan Bridge, Yorkshire. This school that she attended was very harsh as well as physically demanding. Her two eldest sisters developed tuberculosis and died while at this school, causing Bronte’s father to bring back Charlotte and her sister, Emily. When Charlotte returned to her town of Haworth, she was able to escape into a world of creativity and imagination. Charlotte and one of her sisters, Branwell, were able to collaborate in writing romantic stories, which helped develop their love for writing. In 1831, Charlotte went away to attend Roe Head School. While only attending this school for a year, she was able to get inspiration from the people she met and incorporate those people in …show more content…

In response, Charlotte ended up writing, Jane Eyre, her most famous book she was ever written. The book was published in October, 1867 by the publishing firm of Smith, Elder & Co. But she wasn’t the only one to write a famous novel in her family. Her two sisters, Emily and Anne, also wrote very popular novels. Emily wrote the novel Wuthering Heights, while Anne wrote Agnes Grey. The most incredible part of Charlotte’s novel though was that she received 500 pounds for it, while her sisters received 50 pounds. Jane Eyre became an instant hit and was widely popular. Bronte followed up, by writing two novels that were also popular with Shirley and