
Charlotte Doyle Gender Roles

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Lots of men and women around the globe have a job but should gender determine what that job is?In this book The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi, Charlotte gets paired up with many men who judge her based on her gender. The first couple days Charlotte did some of the work even though she wasn't the best, but after a while, when she was better at it, she helped out the crew. Charlotte started out the trip in a dress and bonnet, but she later changed into trousers and a shirt. In the beginning, Charlotte was just along for the ride, but later became so important that she became the captain. Men and women should have the same rights as each other if it makes them happy. Do you think that people should have different jobs due to their gender?
I awoke the next morning in my narrow bed fully clothed and a stark truth came to me, I was where no proper young lady should be.” said by Charlotte (25). When Charlotte woke up in the morning she was …show more content…

“But Miss Doyle here has done what we couldn't do. Let her be captain now,” said Avi (195). The only girl aboard the ship did what the men couldn't do. Charlotte did something so remarkable as a girl, they let her be captain. This young thirteen year old girl, after getting back to her cozy house, left to go back on the small, dirty seahawk.
In the novel The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, the men she meets judge at first because she was a girl. In the beginning of the novel, Charlotte was a useless girl, but with hard work she did some of the crew's work. Charlotte, the only girl abord, went from wering the nice dress she had, to sailors clothing. Charlotte, at first was just at first along for the ride, but then became so important that she became the captain. Men and women around the lobe should have the same writes as each other if it makes them

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