Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt’s new book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America,” is without doubt one all told the foremost necessary industrial enterprise events at intervals the annals of american education at intervals the last a hundred years. John Dewey’s “School and Society,” published in 1899, set American education on its course to socialism. Rudolf Flesch’s “Why Johnny Can’t scan,” published in 1955, informed american of us that there was one factor very wrong with the technique the schools were teaching children to scan, and my own book, “NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education,” published in 1984, explained in great detail but and why the decline in public education was happening.
But Iserbyt has done what no one else needed or may do. She has put on the most formidable and wise compilation of documentation describing the well-planned “deliberate dumbing down” of american children by their education system. Anyone who has had any lingering hope that what the educators have been doing could also be a results of error, accident, or stupidity will be aghast by the tactic american social engineers have systematically gone regarding destroying the intellect of unnumbered american children for the aim of leading the yank people into a
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The purpose of such a questionnaire was to hunt out out the student’s state of mind, how he felt, what he liked and unlikeable , and what his values were. With this knowledge it would be easier for the govt. college to alter his values and behavior at will—without, of course, the student’s knowledge or his parents’