Chasing Lincoln's Killer Sparknotes

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7th Grade ELA
March 20th,2023

Chasing Lincoln’s Killer Book Report (Book by James L. Swanson)

Chasing Lincoln’s Killer is a 194 paged book about President Abraham Lincoln’s
Assasination, and of the way it happened ,where it happened,how it happened ,and everyone known who was involved. This book has lots of small details like the route the killers took and who he talked to and how he escaped and little things along the way. There are also many major details about where it happened and why he did it and how the killer got caught. Abraham Lincoln was not the only one who was murdered or who someone tried to assassinate. One Friday morning when John Wilkes Booth woke up kinda depressed and could not …show more content…

On April,14th,1895 Booth and his henchmen would throw chaos into the Union Government by killing its top leaders to help the Confederacy to continue the war against the Union.They had planned to murder Vice President Johnso,Secretary of State Seward, And President Lincoln. Atzerodts was assigned to kill the Vice President while Lewis Powel would be murdering the Secretary of State Seward Herold would guide Powel to Seward's home and then meet up with Booth …show more content…

Lincoln and his guest arrived with no guards or staff so it was just them in the theater box.Now it was time for Booth to take his part in the plan, he had a horse put back for his escape. Booth entered the theater following the path that the lincolns took to the president's box to his surprise it was unguarded but Lincoln's servant was seated near.Soon Booth knew that there is only one actor on stage so he went for it and shot Lincoln in the back of his head by his ear,the bullet went through the brain but didn't make it out the other side, it rested behind his right eye,sure enough the sound from the play covered the sound of the gunshot.Now it was just up to Powel and Herold to do their