
Chaucer's Treatment Of Women Essay

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The Canterbury Tales is a poem written by Geoffrey Chaucer around 1386-1395 in England. It was written in middle English. Chaucer had all intention of writing 120 stories but only had 23 completed and 1 was partially finished. Some people believe that some of the stories Chaucer wrote were lost and some believe that he just died before he could finish the whole 120 stories. A very select amount of people believe that Chaucer just got tired or bored and just stopped writing them. The Canterbury Tales is about a pilgrimage taken by a group of people who are on their way to Canterbury to go see the spot where Thomas Becket was killed by the king because the king simply wanted Becket out of the way so he ordered that he be killed. All of the people went to go see him out of respect …show more content…

Unfortunately, women’s rights and abilities have all been underestimated and overlooked over the centuries. In the fourteenth century, the status of a women depended on her husband’s position. Women had to suffer through men dominating over them and abusing them. In the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer writes about someone called the Wife of Bath. She describes in her tale what she believes what women want most was to have power over their husbands. So women did have to endure a lot more than women have to endure today. The conflict between all of the pilgrims reflects the ongoing conflicts between new and emerging versus traditional classes in the late medieval period. The lower class people agree with the late medieval stereotype that lower class people are not as smart or have no brains. In or around 1378 Chaucer began developing his vision of English poetry. It’s obedient neither to the court in with the official language was French. Nor to the church its official language is Latin. So instead of writing it in the Latin language so instead he wrote it in the vernacular which was the english that was spoken in and around London in his

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