
Cheetahs Narrative

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It was about noon of the 50th day of the bloody bull. I just had to last to 12:30 pm. I ate a little more of my polar bear to waste time. I got out of my cave and laid on top of it reflecting on the past 50 days and letting the sun sink into my body. I thought about all the close calls and how I could have died a tone of times, I have learned a lot about myself in the arena, and I’m almost happy now that I got picked since I was going to win. Above me I hear the sounds of the helicopters rapid wings spinning around a mile a minute. However that’s not all I heard, it’s what I heard behind me that made me almost jump out of my skivvies. It was the sound I’ve heard plenty of times within the past 50 days. The sound of a charging barbarian bull. I quickly …show more content…

I immediately get up and start running for the helicopter. I knew it wasn’t over until the helicopter hits the ground. I was wondering how quickly it was going to land or if it was just going to circle above me, mocking me and let me die on the final day. The bull was closing in on me, I was panting so hard I couldn’t even see. I was a gazelle trying to outrun a cheetah. My gas tank was on empty and I felt like I was going to die even if the bull didn’t catch up to me. I launch my spear behind me hoping it would hit the bull. When I look back I see the bull with a spear in its mouth, I thought about that spear and how if I didn’t have it I would’ve died from a bull or starvation. Literally when the bulls horns were three feet away from making me a shish kabob I heard a canyon blow. I look behind me

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